Lay Counselor Educator
1 mese fa
**MSF Italy **has identified migrant and refugee **survivors of torture** and other forms of intentional violence **(SoT) **among the most vulnerable and neglected people.
For this reason, since 2020, MSF has developed in the Palermo metropolitan area a program specifically aimed at this target population through a multidisciplinary model of care (medical, psychological, and socio-legal support); until March 2023, the program has been implemented in collaboration with the Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale (ASP) of Palermo and the PROMISE department Forensic Medicine; the socio-legal assistance is strengthened through
- the collaboration with the association CLEDU.
From October 2023 two Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) have been signed with the **Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) "Paolo Giaccone"** and the **University of Palermo** with the aim of strengthening the SoT program in both clinical and research components. The Project also aims to identify SoTs through outreach activities both in formal migrants/refugees' reception centers and informal settlements in the Palermo metropolitan area and beyond, to become a center of referral and provision of specific care for SoT.
The** Lay Counselor Educator**:
- Performs educational activities to patients, families, communities, in collaboration with other team members and partners
- Provides information to patients on existing social and health care services at local level
- Visits hospitalized beneficiaries who are taken in charge or evacuated from Lampedusa to inform on socio-legal/health rights services
- Supports the rapid and safe transfer of beneficiaries to reception facilities, in Palermo or other places
- Supports beneficiaries for: i) follow up of all registrations and integration documentation (STP/SSN instriction; TEAM; residence; etc); ii) housing options; iii) enrolment in Italian language courses, public (CPIA, main option) or private; iv) job search; v) access to other services for authonomy; etc.
- Refers beneficiaries in need of accommodation, vocational training courses and employment to local stakeholders with specific mandate
- Organizes appropriate referral and follow-up of beneficiaries with social needs discharged from the SoT Service or not taken in charge by the Service after the First Assessment, according to the SoT Project guidelines
- Supports group activities and survivors engagement activities
- Essential second level high school diploma
- Desirable formal degree in social work/anthropology
- Desirable knowledge of migration context and legal framework in Italy
- Essential previous experience in migration context, access to territorial services, community engagement practices
- Desirable working experience in reception centers, social services
- Desirable volunteering and networking with local associations
- Makes part of the target group of patients and is willing to share his/her own experiences (only valid for peer educators/counselors) (Desirable)
- Essential Italian (B2)
- Desirable English language (B2)
- Knowledge of one of the languages of countries of origin of the target population or French is considered as a plus
**Knowledge**Essential computer literacy**Competencies**
- Teamwork and cooperation
- Behavioral flexibility
- Results & quality orientation
- Stress Management
- Cross-cultural awareness
- Commitment to MSF principles
- Driving license B is a plus
- Residence permit or citizenship is essential
- Duty Station**: Palermo
- Contract: Fixed Term Contract (12 months), Part-time 62,5%, level IV of CCNL of Commerce
- MSF will cover a round trip ticket at the beginning and at the end of the contract
**Desired starting date**: 15/01/2025