Researcher, Icar/05-trasporti
2 giorni fa
OFFER DESCRIPTION Number of positions:
Ricercatore a tempo determinato ex art. 24, comma 3, lettera b), e sede prevalente di lavoro:
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di ChimicaArea scientifica o macrosettore:
ICAR/05-TRASPORTINome progetto:
Models and methods for supporting planning and design of sustainable mobility based on equity and resilienceIdea progettuale:
Mobility is a crucial element to reach the goals given by international policy Agendas, such as 2030 Agenda of UN, NextGenerationUE or Italian PNRR. Better quality of life, environment, equity, and social inclusion, as well as economic development, must be the basis of planning and design of transportation systems and relevant mutual interaction with land use. This research focuses on the specification of new models and relevant solution algorithms for the planning and design of sustainable mobility. In particular, the models must take into account the social equity of transport solution and accessibility to the services and opportunities on the territory. In this research micromobility will be considered as tool for integrating transit and shared mobility systems. In the last case, shared mobility systems based on electric engines will be considered; so that, vehicle to grid and recharge problems will be addressed. In conclusion, this research will aim at specifying mathematical models for transport systems design considering equity and social inclusion constraints in the framework of sustainable mobility. Solution algorithms will be also studied.Campo principale di ricerca:
Civil Engineering; Environmental Engineering; TransportationSottocampo di ricerca:
Transportation Planning and network design.Dettaglidell’impegno di ricerca (obiettivi della produttività scientifica e relative caratteristiche qualitative):
The research will produce new algorithms and theoretical results relevant to mathematical models for transportation systems design related to sustainable mobility and equity. These results, at least one paper per year, will be published in indexed journals and indexed conferences proceedings. The researcher will disseminate the results in national and/or international conferences, as a speaker.Dettagli dell’impegno didattico:
The researcher will be required to teach classes of not less than 6 European Credit Transfer System Credits (ECTS) in Bachelor, Master and/or PhD courses. Subjects will belong to the ICAR/05 SSD.Attività di didattica e di didattica integrativa:
Classes, exams, seminars, exercises and student assistance for the academic discipline of ICAR/05-Transportation transportation system). Supervision of bachelor, master and PhD thesis.Servizio agli studenti:
Teaching assistance, internship and bachelor, master and PhD thesis, in courses of the academic discipline of ICAR/05-Transportation. Tutoring activities.Codice int. procedura:
testo integrale del bando sopra specificato, contenente - tra le altre - le indicazioni dei requisiti di ammissione, le modalità di presentazione delle domande e dei relativi titoli, la composizione della commissione valutatrice, le modalità di svolgimento della selezione, è consultabile su apposita sezione del sito web del Politecnico di Bari, all’indirizzo More Information Requirements Offer RequirementsSkills/QualificationsCompetenze informatiche richieste:
High skill programming using Matlab. Advanced user I GIS and transport planning softwareLingua richiesta e modalità per l’accertamento:
English. Level of knowledge:
very good. The evaluation will be based on scientific publications written in English language. If necessary, the evaluation committee can assess the level of the English knowledge through an oral examination.Numero massimo di pubblicazioni:
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