Sustainability Expert

1 mese fa

Bari, Italia NTT DATA A tempo pieno

NTT DATA, Trusted Global Innovator, è tra i principali player a livello mondiale in ambito IT services.​ Con più di 151.000 professionisti in oltre 50 Paesi in tutto il mondo, siamo protagonisti e acceleratori della trasformazione digitale offrendo ai nostri clienti soluzioni tecnologiche e innovative progettate su misura.​ Il motore di NTTDATA sono le persone, ognuna con la propria unicità, talento ed attitudine. ​ Abbiamo costruito una Smile Working Company in cui la cura, l’ascolto delle persone, il loro benessere e sviluppo delle competenze sono la nostra priorità. Abbiamo creato spazi di lavoro che favoriscono il senso di comunità e lo scambio costruttivo di esperienze. ​

Guardiamo al nostro domani con la stessa passione di ieri e abbiamo bisogno anche del tuo talento


The person will work in the Sustainability & Green Tech Ecosystem in the Innovation & Advanced Technologies structure, and will be responsible for designing, supporting and managing innovative offerings related to Sustainability and innovation to our customers. The candidate will also be in charge of programs and projects where she/he will guarantee the correct timing and results.

More in detail you will be responsible for:

• Identifying new business opportunities, prepare and guide presales' meetings

• Establishing a trustful relationship with clients, understand and foresee needs and issues

• Combining business and tech capabilities to ideate new propositions and opportunities

• Guiding complex and global programs and projects as a project manager and as a subject matter expert

• Leading the team's organization, tasks and growth

. Requeriments:

Required Skills

Excellent interpersonal skills and teamworkSustainability domain knowledge about different ESG backgrounds (ESG reporting, Green IT, Blue Economy, GHG management, Supply Chain )Interest and experience in experimenting with innovative technologiesExperience in supporting clients in the introduction and management of the change produced by the adoption of a Sustainability strategy and / or innovative technologiesExperience working in technology advisoryMaster or Bachelor in STEM Degrees

Location: Milano, Cosenza, Bari, Roma, Napoli, Rende, Bologna